Poltava Medical & Dental University (Ukrainian Medical & Dental Academy)
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Ukrainian Medical and Dental Academy AS Poltava National Medical And Dental University
Ukrainian Medical and Dental Academy – is a higher education institution for training doctors, including dentists. The Academy started its work in 1921 with odontological faculty of Kharkiv Medical Academy. In 1967, the Institute moved to the city of Poltava and was renamed as Poltava State National Medical University.
In 1994 Poltava Medical Dental University received the highest level of accreditation IV and the status of Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy. In 2004, the IV accreditation level was confirmed.
Currently there are 3615 students, 1400 of them are foreigners from 42 countries. Training is conducted in the dental, medical faculties, training faculty for foreign citizens. Faculty of Graduate Education and the department of pre-university training. On the basis of the YMCA there was established college that prepares undergraduate and junior medical staff.
In the structure of the Academy there were 56 departments, nine of them – support. Medical-advisory work is carried out by 35 clinical departments of the Academy, located in the best regional and city hospitals ofPoltava.
The scientific potential of the YMCA – 82 doctors, 316 PhDs, 75 professors, 171 associate professors, 2 Laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine, 8 Honored Scientists of Ukraine, 6 Honored Doctors of Ukraine.
Over the last decade, the Academy held significant changes that allowed going up to the university to a new competitive level of training, to introduce the most advanced technology training. Evidence of this is the Academy award: two silver and bronze medals at international exhibitions of educational institutions “Modern education in Ukraine – 2001, 2002, 2004.” In June 2003, the Academy took part in the ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine “Sophia of Kyiv”. For active work in improving the quality of modern education Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy was awarded the Diploma ranking of higher education institutions. In the category “quality of the third millennium,” Academy was awarded the silver stele and the diploma of the International Academic Rating “Golden Fortune”.
From 1999 to 2009 there were published over 710 educational benefits of various scientific subjects. In the last year the Academy received 106 patents of Ukraine and Russia and compiled the program that has seven academic schools: operative surgery and topographic anatomy, normal physiology, oral surgery, biological chemistry, pathology, dentistry, clinical and experimental pharmacology.
Ukraine, as a member of the UN and UNESCO is actively involved in the implementation of international programs in the field of higher education, and Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy also helps to foreign countries to prepare their national health workforce. In order to improve the quality of medical training of foreign nationality at the academy in 1992 the faculty to work with foreign students was opened.
Now there are 1400 foreigners from 42 countries of the world (England,America,Ireland,Mexico,Italy,France,Denmark, Albania,Armenia,Romania,Palestine, Iraq, ,India,Cameroon,Kenya,Nigeria,Mongolia,China,Nepal,Iran, Syria, Morocco, Algeria,Jordan, Pakistan, Libya, Russia, Turkmenistan, and others).
They are guaranteed all the rights and freedoms indicated in the current legislation of Ukraine. Training of foreign nationals is held in accordance with the curriculum and programs of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
International students on an equal basis with the students – citizens of Ukraine can use classrooms, a library and reading rooms, sports facilities, it also highlights areas for cultural, religious events and fees fraternities. The educational process provides teachers with special training and experience in working with foreign nationals in the early stages of their training. After graduation, foreign students receive diplomas of international standard.
In 1997 in the dean’s office was created the preparatory department for foreign citizens. Students of the Preparatory Department are studying Russian language, style of speech science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, geography. In general, the work of the preparatory department aims at adapting foreign nationals to live and train in Ukraine and familiarize with the culture and traditions of the Ukrainian people. Now in different departments in the clinical residency improve their skills 42 foreigners – graduate dental and medical faculties. There are more and more foreigners who have completed residency and wish to continue their education in graduate school.
The problem of training dentists in Russia is particularly increased in the XIX century. Dental care wasn’t provided to patients due to the lack of staff, because they were not prepared neither in Russia (until 1881) nor in Ukraine (in 1900). In this regard, a prominent surgeon of that time, MV Sklifosovsky at the VI Congress of naturalists and physicians claimed the need in higher medical education in medical faculties of universities. But after the First World War the issue of training of medical staff dentist who can provide qualified help, began to be a reality.
In Kharkov and Kiev and dental medical circles of the years there was a thought that skilled and specialized dental care population of Ukraine will be able to provide only doctors who have chosen the profession of a dentist from the beginning of the first steps of training on dental faculties of medical institutes or institutes of dental medicine where the training period may be limited to four years.
September 30, 1921 Ukrholovprofosu board decided to create odontology department in the Kharkiv Medical Academy and relevant arrangements, as well as recruitment of students and scientific personnel. November 8, 1921 Ukrholovprofosu board made a decision to transform the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Medical Institute with two faculties: medical and odontology. This historic decision laid the foundation of higher dental education in Ukraine as an integral branch of dentistry recognized the clinical medicine.
The right of odontology department inherited in 1931 Kharkov Institute of Dentistry, from 1967 – Poltava Medical Stomatological Institute, and the first since 1994 – Ukrainian Medical Stomatological/Dental Academy (UMSA) . In its formation and development of Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy was a thorny path, which can be conventionally divided into six periods: the first – from the moment of odontology department of the Kharkiv Medical Academy (1921 – 1931), second – from the moment of transformation in the faculty of independent dental Kharkov Institute ( 1931 – 1941), third – period evacuation in Frunze (Kyrhyzska SSR) and its functioning as a medical school faculty Kyrhyzskoho (1941 – 1944); fourth – re-evacuation to Kharkiv after its liberation from Nazi invaders, restoration of base training and further development of scientific research (1944 – 1967), fifth – the transfer of Poltava and its transformation in Poltava Medical Stomatological Institute (1968 – 1993); sixth – in 1994, converting from the Institute of Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy.
The first period (1921 – 1931)
Sklifosovsky In September 1921 the first year odontology department of Kharkiv Medical Academy began training 250 people with secondary education. The second course enrolled 169 students who went on 2 dental school courses during the summer holidays studied reduced rate of medical and biological sciences. There were created 4 special department of conservative dentistry to propaedeutical odontology (Head – Professor M. Hofunh), prosthetic dentistry in orthodontics (the head – IA Baranov) operative dentistry of the jaw orthopedics and oral surgery separate and adjacent areas (Head – Professor B. maker). Theoretical and general clinical subjects were studied in the relevant departments of the institute. Core faculty base was Kharkov State dental school.
During its existence the Faculty formed capable, qualified, friendly staff, who along with solving educational problems made a significant contribution to the development of medical science. Personnel Department created 13 teaching aids in dentistry and a large number of manuals for students. Among the teachers who worked in those years on the faculty, was known anatomist Academician VP Vorobyov, author of famous works of modern methods of embalming. That he was entrusted in 1924 to embalm the body of Lenin.
Summing up the first decade of the faculty, it should be noted that he, together with the Faculty of odontology KMI became the first specialized universities for the training of dentists, dental education teaching centers in Ukraine.
The second period (1931 – 1941)
The process of formation and further development of dental faculty and the institute was held in very difficult conditions prevailing in the early 30’s. The economic difficulties that this country was going through, finding ways out of them demanded measures to protect human health, expand the network of hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, clinics, dental clinics and so on. To solve these and other tasks can be only provided a quality training of dental personnel.
At that time, in August 1931, Dental Faculty of the Kharkov Medical Institute was reorganized into an independent Kharkov Institute of Dental 4-year term of study. 3 were created special departments: surgical dentistry, dental therapy, prosthetic dentistry. Each department has its training base. The school was staffed by highly qualified teaching staff. Director of the Institute appointed MV Nezhdanova, deputy of scientific study – Professor M. Hofunh. Almost all teachers in special departments have higher medical education.
From September 1931 to September 1941 Institute has prepared 650 doctors, and all of 1921 – 913 dentists. In addition, the correspondence office, and external retraining courses completed more than 2500 dentists, they have qualified dentists.
The third period (1941 – 1944)
June 22, 1941 in the building on the street. Pushkin, 7 held a scientific conference. At 11 o’clock 45 minutes was a break, during which it became aware of the treacherous attack of fascist Germany on the Soviet Union. Anger and resentment aroused in teachers and students of this message. They knew what evil befell the people of the state, home.
On June 23 specialists dentists graduated from the academy. Diplomas dentist were presented to 180 students. 62 students were transferred to another course, 132 – the third, 130 – on the fourth. The same day, Director of the Institute GA Lychman issued an order that required release of the study or the work of all who call be subject to the Red Army, they find a replacement, fully pay salaries, to take them all the affairs and property. Then the order required reorganizing the group in all courses to schedule, organizing training for the reduced plan of the USSR People’s Commissariat of Health in accordance with special instructions. Kharkov Dental Institute in the first period in the army sent 45 persons: 27 teachers, 16 staff and 2 students
Fourth period (June 1944 – May 1967)
Work in operating this time in the history of Ukrainian Medical Stomatological/Dental Academy (UMSA) characterized re-evacuation Institute in Kharkov, its formation and development in the postwar period. Director of the Institute in July 1944 was appointed Professor PV Vlasenko – an experienced organizer, a distinguished scientist, a biologist by education. Administration Institute and some medico-biological department were placed in 4-storey building on the street. , 53. Anatomical Department was common for students of medical and dental institutions, based on Kharkiv Medical Institute. General clinical Department were located at the bases of urban hospitals (Children’s 2 nd Soviet and Ying).. Chairs respiratory diseases and eye diseases – based on relevant research institutes, and skin-venereal disease – based on the 4th veneral STI clinic.
In 1954 the Soviet government decree dental institutions were reorganized in the dental faculties of medical schools, but two of them – Moscow and Kharkov – left independent dental health institutes. The main areas of scientific research institute employees in the postwar years in dentistry were continuing clinical and morphological and clinical-microbiological study of diseases of teeth and development of methods for their treatment. During these years, along with therapists, surgeons and dentists in the development and improvement of complex treatment of periodontal diseases, injuries, maxillofacial area and the restoration of defective dentition made significant contribution orthopedic dentists.
Materials Research postwar period are summarized in the doctoral and master’s theses. During these years laid the foundation of several dozens of doctoral and master’s theses.
Fifth period (1968 – 1993)
May 12, 1967 the USSR Council of Ministers adopted resolution number 294 to transfer the Kharkiv Medical Dental Institute in Poltava. In this regard, Ministry of Health Ukraine May 18, the same year issued an order number 269 to transfer the Kharkiv Medical Dental Institute in Poltava during 1967-1968 was carried out two phases of transfer.
At first – in July – August 1967 – was conducted redeployment of departments of medical-biological profile, and their resettlement in Poltava in the 4-story building on Shevchenko, 23 before the school year, until September 1, 1967 In the second stage – in July – August 1968 – were relocated clinical department, in particular, and dental, profile and made training bases for their position to the start of classes.
Students of dental and medical schools fully equipped workstations, equipped with modern apparatus and equipment. For lectures 7 classrooms used for 150-250 seats each, which allows classes with students in one shift. Rectors and management bodies of the Academy created the necessary conditions for high-level educational work by optimizing the method and content of training, increasing complexity and objectivity in the assessment of knowledge, improvement of financial support of the educational process, its individualization, activating education in the learning process.
For 80 years, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological/Dental Academy (UMSA) has prepared all 19,882 professionals, including: dentists – 13341, doctors – 6066, nurses – 363, dental technicians – 112, Doctors – 143, Ph.D. – 674 Masters – 114.
- Faculty of Medicine
- Nursing Faculty
- Faculty of Stomatology
- Faculty of Pediatrics
- Faculty training foreign students
- Faculty of Postgraduate Studies
- Human Anatomy
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Rate Anestheiology
- Medical Biology, Parasitology and Genetics, Medical and Biological Physics and Medical Informatics
- Medical and Biological Physics and Medical Informatics
- Internal Medicine with care
- General Hygiene, Ecology and Safety in Medicine
- Histology, Cytology and Embryology
- Pediatrics Number 2
- Internal Medicine № 2 of occupational Diseases
- Surgery Number 2
- Pediatric Dentistry therapy with prevention of dental diseases
- Pediatric Surgery
- Pediatric Surgery and Dentistry Propaedeutics surgical dentistry in reconstructive surgery of head and neck
- Endocrinology course of physical rehabilitation, sports medicine and exercise
- Family Medicine and therapy
- General Surgery of care of the patients (of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy)
- Foreign Languages of Latin language and Medical Terminology
- Infectious Diseases Epidemiology
- Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
- Medicine Emergency and military medicine
- Medical, physical and colloid, Bioorganic and biological Chemistry
- Nervous Diseases of Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics
- Physiology
- Oncology
- Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy
- Orthodontics and postgraduate education of doctors, orthodontists
- Orthopedic Dentistry Implantology
- Otorhinolaryngology of Ophthalmology
- Ophthalmology
- Patomorphology of section rate
- Pathophysiology
- postgraduate education of dentists
- postgraduate education of dentists, orthopedists
- Internal Medicine and Medical Emergency Conditions
- Radiology, radiation therapy and nuclear medicine
- internal medicine with care
- Pediatrics № 1 of propaedeutical pediatrics and pediatric infectious diseases
- Therapeutic Stomatology
- Psychiatry, Addiction and Medical Psychology
- Social Medicine, Organization and Health Economics of Biostatistics
- Therapeutic Stomatology
- Traumatology and Orthopedics
- Urology, intensive care
- Internal Medicine № 1 of the professional diseases
- Surgery Number 1
- Physical Education and Health
- Philosophy, Social Sciences, Ukrainian and Ukrainian language
- Physiatry of Pediatric Surgery
- Surgical Diseases of Traumatology and Orthopedics
- Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery with basic dentistry
- skin and sexually transmitted diseases with Forensic Medicine
- Science Department
- Research Institute for Genetic and immunological bases
- Department of Scientific Medical Information and Patent License Activities
- Department of International Relations
Excellent hostel facility for Boys and Girls separately close to the academic block in the campus itself.
The rooms in the hostel have attached bathroom and other ancillary facilities. The academy operates four dormitories, which area short distance from the school. Foreign students live in 9 floor building improve planning (blocksto5 persons),equipped furnished by 100%.
Rooms available with 1 person in one room,2 persons in one room,3 persons in one room with internet zone
There are several accommodation options for international students and it is important to consider whether you prefer an independent lifestyle or enjoy living in a community.
Combine the convenience of living on or near campus, access to programs and services to help you excel academically, the opportunity to build lasting friendships, and comfortable, affordable living and you have the life of a University.
The territory of the University and the main students’ routes from the hostels to the educational buildings are protected and patrolled by officers of guard service.
Rooms on campus are available to students.
All hostel rooms are furnished and vary in size and number of conveniences.
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